Wednesday 15 May 2013

How to get cookies from other people's computers

cookies are like garbage on the internet which floated everywhere I did not know it was possible for people who know where that is,, tp this time I will give you just the way ngambilnya ....
Read also how to hacking

Then how to get the victim's cookies?

1. By analyzing Cookies.
This method is relatively difficult.
2. Cokies steal.
For example, the attacker would like to get an account of the A. The attacker could easily create such a script Java Script is pasted in the email to be sent to the victim opens the email korban.Saat, unconsciously own cookies to be stolen and recorded to a webserver by using a PHP script.

Lately, most often the target is a Friendster account. There are inserts a scipt via testimonials, there are inserted in the profile itself to steal the victim's cookies and so forth. I have tips for this: